Monday, March 24, 2025
Country reportsBKA-Leak: Dangerous at Querdenken demos are mainly the left opponents

BKA-Leak: Dangerous at Querdenken demos are mainly the left opponents

According to a leaked internal analysis by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) from late November 2020 on “Current developments in protest events in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic,” which is available to 2020News, it is currently the left-wing counter-demonstrators who are to be classified as violent and dangerous in the anti-measures protests.

According to the BKA, the alleged right-wing tendency and propensity to violence that politicians and the media public have been accusing the Querdenkers (i.e. lateral thinkers, a large German anti measures activist group) of for months does not exist. In particular, there is no infiltration of the Querdenken movement by right-wing extremists.

The letter, which is addressed to the state criminal investigation offices, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Intelligence Service, the Military Counter-Intelligence Service, the Federal Police, the Joint Federal Committee, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Foreign Office, had been published on December 08, 2020 at A few days ago, the organization, which supports critics of measures to dare to go public with information or personal statements, was asked by the BKA to remove the explosive paper from its website.

The BKA leak pulls the rug under the political and media narrative of the cross-thinkers’ right-wing bias and propensity for violence.

The BKA names the Querdenker movement as “initiated from the civil-democratic spectrum.”

Under the heading “right-wing scene and Reichsbürger”, the BKA states that an influence or infiltration of the Querdenkers by right-wingers “cannot currently be ascertained”. There were some violent right-wingers at the demonstrations, presumably also some Reichsbürger. However, according to the BKA, the participation of right-wing groups and currents was “not of a formative nature”.

How high the proportion of violent demonstrators is at all, “currently can not be validly assessed”. The violence apparently originated from a radical minority, which “is difficult to define in its constitution analogous to the overall structure,” the authors of the analysis describe.

“A spillover of any radicalization processes to broader civil-democratic strata of the population is still not to be expected at present,” the BKA informs.

It is true that individuals from the right-wing scene are “endeavoring to instrumentalize the current situation for their own agitation purposes” and to gain influence on civil-democratic segments of the population. However, only “individuals and very small groups” showed a “tendency toward radicalization, at least in part”.

The BKA’s comments on the role of left-wing actors at the Querdenken demonstrations are noteworthy. These apparently started from false facts: “In general, the (left-wing) scene seems to classify the so-called Querdenker protests as dominated by ‘right-wingers’, or fascist in character,” the investigators said. And further: “Repeatedly, there were – especially in Leipzig – sometimes considerable violent interactions between suspected left-wing extremists and participants of the events.”

In the press, the escalated violence at the Querdenken large-scale demonstrations on November 7 and the gatherings after a demo canceled at short notice on November 21, 2020 in Leipzig had been attributed predominantly to opponents of measures.

In contrast to this media classification, the BKA investigators note that “autonomously acting small groups (presumably from the left spectrum)” in Leipzig had deliberately sought confrontation with participants of the Corona protests. In addition, suspected left-wing extremists had attacked a group of participants on the fringes of the gatherings on November 21, injuring some of them severely. The crime – according to reports, 15 to 20 suspected leftists had pounced on two lateral thinkers – is considered an attempted homicide by the responsible public prosecutor’s office.

BKA officials fear that “anti-fascist interventions in the form of (serious) acts of violence” at gatherings in connection with Corona criticism can also be expected in the future. In this context, it should be taken into account that, in addition to actual ‘right-wingers’, persons who are mistaken for supporters of the right-wing scene could also end up in the target spectrum of the left-wing scene.

Conclusion: One of the biggest risks at Querdenken demos is that concerned citizens will be attacked by leftists because they mistakenly believe them to be right-wingers.

A few days ago, the organization was ordered by the BKA to remove the leaked document from its website and not to disseminate it any further by sending a cease-and-desist letter with a penalty clause. When asked about this, the BKA admitted to the Nordkurier that the document was authentic.

According to Nordkurier, BKA spokeswoman Britta Schmitz has so far failed to answer the question of why the findings from the BKA paper were not made public by the BKA itself.

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