Saturday, March 1, 2025
Country reportsGermanyGermany: Survey Tilting Moments

Germany: Survey Tilting Moments

The initiative “Psychotherapists stand up” has developed a questionnaire for a short pilot study to roughly record the tilting moments (Now-Moments) in which a turning away from the corona fear and a turning towards an evidence-based view of the situation develops.

This is the call. 2020News asks for participation.

Please briefly and anonymously describe your experience in the scene where this tilting moment, the waking up of your conversation partner*, happened:

Gender, approx. age: Who was I dealing with: e.g. w12J, d56J, m37J

Place of the event:

e.g. supermarket, family, circle of friends, workplace, in public transport, demo, information stand, handing out flyers, church, church service, playground, school, university etc.

Relationship to this person:

e.g. person I know/unknown, different/equal hierarchical level, very close relationship etc.

Prerequisites that you see as a catalyst for rethinking?

e.g. security in conversation, identification with the other person, reality check, resolution of contradictions, common enemy discovered, physical contact, laughed together, ate together, etc.

Which need was probably satisfied by the other person in the moment of tipping over?

e.g. need for social proximity, contact, belonging, finding truth, facts suddenly made sense, dissolution of cognitive dissonance, longing for something primordial, etc.

What was the topic of conversation during the tilting moment?

e.g. vaccination, mask, lockdown, children, school situation, impending impoverishment, police violence, politics, state restructuring, NWO etc.

How did you recognize in/on yourself that the tilting moment is approaching?

e.g. specific metaphors that reached the interlocutor, inner image, specific body sensation, etc.

Your short description of the scene with tilting moment: what exactly happened how?

Please send to psychotherapists stand up:

Keyword tilting moment

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