Monday, March 24, 2025
Country reportsPolitical Resistance in South-Tirol: Opposition Demands the Voluntariness of the Corona...

Political Resistance in South-Tirol: Opposition Demands the Voluntariness of the Corona Tests

In South-Tirol, the entire opposition, with the exception of the Greens, has appealed to Governor Kompatscher to ensure the voluntary nature of corona tests. It demands in the wording:

No obligation to test!

The mass test announced by the state government must be voluntary! Any coercion or threat of consequences in case of non-participation is not acceptable and should be avoided. Governor Kompatscher is causing immense damage with his “compulsory decree”, since many citizens are not prepared to be blackmailed and now want to refuse a test in protest.

It must be made clear that untested persons are allowed to continue working. Anything else would not be in conformity with the constitution, but above all it would not be acceptable.

Apart from the concerns about labor law, LH Kompatscher has caused a completely unnecessary polemic with this coercion, which is now leading to a negative attitude in the population. In this way, Governor Kompatscher is jeopardizing the overall success of the test. As is well known, the South Tyroleans do not like to be blackmailed.

The opposition therefore calls on the governor to immediately remove the “test obligation” from the ordinance.

Team K, Südtiroler Freiheit, Enzian, M5S

image002.png Team KLandtagsfraktion | Gruppo consiliare Silvius-Magnago-Platz 6 | 39100 BozenPiazza Silvius Magnago, 6 | 39100 BolzanoTel. 0471 946 422E-Mail: team.k@landtag-bz.orgPEC:

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