Saturday, March 1, 2025
Country reportsGermanyThe Māori Tribunal of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - revisited

The Māori Tribunal of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – revisited

An article by Attorney at Law Viviane Fischer dated June 15, 2023 – revised and amended in italics on July 3, 2023.

The addition relates primarily to the path of legal action in New Zealand now concretized by Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. This path has many hurdles, among other things it presupposes the unification of the Māori tribes, which have been demonstrably partially in dispute since at least 1835. A legally binding installed Māori court (established by whom?) can at this point only make recommendations to the current governmental structure in New Zealand. However, even binding decisions would not be enforceable due to the lack of executive power, i.e. powerful Māori police and military. The training of a few Māori sheriffs, as reported by New Zealander Antoinette James on the Stew Peters Show, will not help. Another problem: even among the Māori, a third remain firmly convinced of the measures, a third are critical, and another third are somewhere in between, as James laments on the Stew Peters Show. So it is by no means the case that a strong band of fiercely determined Māori warriors now stand with a firmly established decision-making authority against the current New Zealand government, against Pfizer, and all other ruthless profiteers of the Corona crisis all around the globe, and would only wait for the evidence against the PCR test to unfold before their very eyes, as Dr. Fuellmich makes it appear. With very, very good luck, it might just happen that the Māori tribes get their act together, accept by a majority possible measure-critical recommendations from their court and demand their implementation, thereby sparking a public discussion on the topic in New Zealand. This may represent an opportunity to inject new momentum into the globally tenacious social discussion and resolution of the measures crisis. The possible legal march-through for the Māori and later on other aggrieved parties around the world suggested by Dr. Fuellmich will, however, in all likelihood not happen in the historically and constitutionally confused situation in New Zealand.

But let’s start from the beginning, with what was already known on June 15, 2023, the initial publication date of this article (changes to the original article in italics as we proceed):

Dr. Fuellmich has been claiming for several weeks now that there will soon be a court case in New Zealand that will bring down the Corona house of cards. In a presentation he has now concretized the starting date for the legal suit to August or September 2023. The Māori have their own jurisdiction and could thus, in their own legal power, call the perpetrators of the measures crisis to account, states Dr. Fuellmich. What’s the truth of this project? What is already not correct is that “all the grand jury lawyers” are involved. I, for example, have nothing to do with it.

Just as I start to write this article, for the second time this day, a newsletter from of the Belgian David Sorensen reaches me. This website is interesting itself insofar as it states under the keyword, “What will your donations be used for”: “Read to the end, then it will get really exciting”. But when I followed the link I could only find the sentence “Support our fight for freedom” and a little bit further down there is a long list of donation alternatives to click on. Closer information with regards to the “exciting activity” was missing.

Today’s mail carries the titel “This makes it crystal clear ” and it links to the interview “Māori vs. Plandemic” that Sorensen conducted with Dr. Fuellmich. Sorensen writes: “Check out our very powerful interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich for crystal clear insight into what’s really going on in the world. This is a thorough and in-depth explanation of the current world situation, with a path forward toward hope and victory. Don’t miss it!”

And with the preceding email, Sörensen let me know “An international team of lawyers and scientists has joined forces with the indigenous Māori people of New Zealand. They will take legal action to bring those responsible for the epidemic to justice. The independent Māori legal system in New Zealand is ideal for bringing these lawsuits because it is beyond the control of the Western financial establishment. These Western elites have corrupted most of the world’s justice system to ensure that they are never held accountable for their crimes against humanity. The upcoming trials will set a precedent for the rest of the world, as the evidence that will come to light can be used in any other court.”

Dr. Fuellmich has been banging the drum since August 2020 for a purported legal activity in the U.S. that has gained sad notoriety as the “class action lawsuit.” To clarify at this point: I myself and also the Corona Committee as such were never part of this “class action”. Dr. Fuellmich had suggested to German entrepreneurs that they could join a “class action” against Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten in the U.S. and there recover damages, even punitive damages, i.e. a multiple of their losses, for the losses suffered in the course of the crisis of measures. The entrepreneurs paid € 800 plus VAT each for their participation in the alleged legal overseas attack. And Dr. Fuellmich assured to each suitable and unsuitable opportunity that it would go off now soon with the “class action”.

As I explained under the title “And daily greets the class action lawsuit” on September 15, 2022, however, nothing went off at all. And that is still the case today. Dr. Fuellmich had indeed claimed that the lawsuit exclusively pursued by Attorney at Law Michael Swinwood in 2020 in Canada against the Queen of England and other parties in favor of indigenous children was a first, “not exactly cheap” attempt of such a “class action”. However, Dr. Fuellmich was not involved in the lawsuit, German entrepreneurs could not have joined the lawsuit, and funds from the German “class action” did not flow at all or only to a marginal extent. The lawsuit was subsequently rejected by the Canadian court as frivolous.

A second allegedly financially costly attempt at a “class action” was the proceedings of Attorney at Law Dexter Reynefeldt in South Africa. For this, Dr. Fuellmich claimed money had flowed from the German “class action” to the lawyers and experts involved. However, this is also not true. All lawyers and experts involved have worked pro bono, their written confirmation is available to me. According to information from attorney Reynefeldt, this was not a “class action” that German entrepreneurs could have joined.

As it turned out later, Dr. Fuellmich had used part of the money from the “class action” – € 650,000 to be precise – to pay off a loan on his bungalow in Göttingen, where his private apartment and his law office were located. He had secured the repayment with a first-rank mortgage in favor of Berlin based Attorney at Law Marcel Templin. In the meantime, the house has been sold and the money has basically been freed up again for use by the “class action” plaintiffs. However, Dr. Fuellmich is still not engaged in any legal activities in the USA. Why is it that Dr. Fuellmich seems to avoid the supposedly promising possibilities of legal action in the USA like the devil avoids holy water? There in particular, he has been repeating like a prayer mill for several years, the signs point to victory, much more clearly than anywhere else in the world. And in the USA, Dr. Fuellmich himself has even been admitted to the bar. Why doesn’t he file any lawsuits there? Is it perhaps because he does not have a physical law office in the USA? If one enters his name at the California Bar Association, the only place of business that appears is the house in Göttingen, which has been sold in the meantime.

Dr. Fuellmich has been stranded in Mexico for several months because “the Deep State no longer wanted to let him enter the USA”. I wonder if this is true. What I know from personal observation is that Dr. Fuellmich and especially his wife have wanted to go to Mexico for some time. Isn’t it gratifying when the Deep State interferes in one’s life in such an empathetic way that one ends up exactly where one wanted to go anyway? It’s understandable, of course, that Fuellmichs wanted to go to Mexico so badly: Where the rays jump, resistance is much more elegant than, for example, when you press your nose flat against the window of a room in a Berlin apartment and the tram wheels screech beneath you.

Legally, however, Dr. Fuellmich continues to turn his gaze away from the USA. Instead, he shows clips of Māori Haka fight dancers and New Zealand rugby teams that seem wild and belligerent. With the Māori, the legal music plays, Dr. Fuellmich now lets us know. They have their own court system. They are a sovereign people who have withdrawn or can withdraw completely from the grip of the Western financial system. A possible precedent before the Māori judges, who had understood the PCR test perfectly, was highly promising and could cause a legal landslide worldwide. Dr. Fuellmich has not yet revealed which specific lawsuits are to be filed. The Māori lawsuit however, he tells us, is not his own. It is a project of the colleague Reynefeldt, which seems to be correct, because Reynefeldt talked to the activity recently in a presentation, which I could partly attend, in presence of three Māori.

What special legal possibilities are there now for the Māori in New Zealand?

On the one hand, there is the Waitangi Tribunal (“Te Rōpū Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi”). According to its official website, the tribunal is not a court of law, but rather a kind of permanently sitting commission of inquiry. It investigates claims brought by Māori that relate to acts or omissions of the British Crown since 1840. The Tribunal’s recommendations and findings are not binding on the New Zealand government. Even in its scope of investigation, the Tribunal is limited. It has limited power to subpoena witnesses, require the production of documents, and maintain order in its sessions. It has no general power to make orders to prevent or compel anything, nor can it order a party to pay the costs of the proceedings. This naturally begs the question: if the Waitangi Tribunal cannot even impose legal costs on the government, how could it award damages to the Māori?

The Waitangi Tribunal has already been involved with COVID-19. Māori plaintiffs had petitioned it in late 2021, asking whether the government’s vaccination policy and plans to relax measures from December 2021 put Māori at risk.

On December 21, 2021, the Waitangi Tribunal answered in the affirmative. The Tribunal criticized the government’s decision to prioritize people over the age of 65 and those with health problems when introducing the “vaccine,” arguing that it failed to take into account the youthfulness of the Māori population and their health vulnerabilities. The court also ruled that the government did not consider the lower vaccination rates and health needs of Māori when switching to the “traffic light” system. The tribunal also found that the government had not adequately consulted with Māori health care providers and Māori leaders, and that efforts to address Māori needs, such as the Māori communities Covid-19 fund, were insufficient. The Waitangi Tribunal recommended that the government improve data collection, increase Māori community involvement, and better support ongoing vaccination, testing, contact tracing, and care for Māori infected with COVID-19. The Tribunal’s ruling was welcomed by the Māori Council.”

The Tribunal set a vaccination target of at least 90 percent for all eligible members of the Māori population, which would include all Māori over the age of five.

It may be that it is possible in principle to pursue an action critical of the measures before the Tribunal. However, the chances of success are very low. The tribunal is currently staffed with the same judges who made the decision against “the vaccination disadvantage” at the time. These judges would have to set themselves already very much into contradiction to their decision taken in the middle of the large inoculation wave, if they wanted to rule now e.g. on the fact that the “inoculation” generally is harmfull and should not have been permitted to beginn with. On the contrary, many in the community still seem to be of the opinion that not enough vaccinations have been given and that Maori access to the “vaccines” must be ensured under equality aspects.

In New Zealand, however, there is now another, theoretically not uninteresting possibility for the Māori to take legal action. Dr. Fuellmich seems to want to take this path together with his colleague Reynefeldt. Reynefeldt had become aware of the issue through the interview of New Zealander Antoinette James on the Stew Peters Show, already referred to here, as he reported in a Zoom meeting on June 22, 2023. In 1835, a declaration of their continuing sovereignty despite occupation by the British had been made by 32 of the Māori tribes and was said to have been recognized by 40 countries trading with the Māori. As a sovereign nation in this respect, the Māori could now also call judicial bodies into being that would dispense justice in their affairs. According to a press release of the Wakaminenga Māori Government from June 20, 2023, such an independent Māori court has been formed and is working on a first case (unrelated to Corona). One can register on this website as a Māori and join the “Māori-Nation”, however, there are competing groups to this contact point of the “Māori-Nation”, for example the group Ko Huiarau 1832, which offer themselves in the same way as a citizens’ collection point. The latter grouping claims for themselves an even older independent jurisdiction. It is not clear to what extent the actual unification of the “Māori nation” must take place, to what extent the individual communities must unite in order to be able to establish a binding jurisdiction. There are, as things stand, over 100 Māori tribes in New Zealand.

Dr. Fuellmich expressed his hope that the Māori would unite in the face of the current social and democratic emergency. However, they would then have to feel the corresponding pressure, meaning they would have to look for a real way out of the measures crisis. As mentioned, however, only about one third of Māori are said to be more or less openly critical of the measures, a ratio similar to that in Germany. It cannot be assumed, therefore, that the Corona problem will now automatically be a corresponding effect amplifier and will catapult the unification of the “Māori nation” that has not taken place since 1835. In this context, many unresolved questions arise: at what number of acceding persons is a “Māori nation” capable of acting as such? Will the recently established court of the Wakaminenga Māori Government be recognized by all or a sufficient number of Māori? Who may occupy the powerful positions as judges in a legally binding manner, and how is the court currently staffed? A court decision, as New Zealand’s Dr. George Hamilton informed the Zoom discussion on June 22, 2023, is merely recommendatory. James, in response to Stew Peters’ question about the enforcement power of the court, elaborated that there are currently “Māori sheriffs” being trained. But are a few Māori sheriffs enough to enforce a measure-critical judgement against the concentrated power of the current New Zealand state including its military forces, from which some resistance can be expected, if it should be really bindingly sentenced by a Māori court to pay fines to vaccination victims etc.? How would it be possible to enforce a court recommendation or even a binding sentence against Pfizer, for example? And how should work what James and Dr. Fuellmich envision, the compensation of claimants from all over the world? How, for example, can victims of measures from Germany sue in the Māori court in New Zealand and, in the best case, prevail? How do these claimants get their money? Although the Aborigines David Cole from Australia reported in session 84 of the Corona Investigative Committee that his father would bless the water for the whole world every morning and accompany it into the day, can a Māori court, whose enforcement power in New Zealand itself is very questionable, really function as a judicial world court? How, for example, could a plaintiff from the small German town of Buxtehude get his claim established in New Zealand enforced? In Germany, a transfer of title only takes place under certain conditions. For example, the decision to be implemented must have been issued by a court recognized in the respective foreign country with the respective jurisdiction. Here the cat bites into the tail. Is the Māori court such a court, if it is not clear for whom it can speak bindingly, even if only on a recommendation basis?

As you can see, there is an almost insurmountable sequence of hurdles and legal ambiguities on this path that has never been taken before. There is no harm in giving it a try. What does harm, however, is to hype the Māori lawsuit with great fanfare as THE new beacon of hope. It is to be feared that this way will not lead in the short term to success, that people thereby are kept away from suing before the “normal” courts which is becoming more and more promising at present and from protests in their countries. It is quite possible that once again, as in the case of the “class action lawsuit”, nothing at all will come of it, valuable time and valuable money (fundraising efforts for the lawsuit are already starting to show) will not be used to achieve the legal or political breakthrough elsewhere.

It might also be a problem if what is happening in New Zealand becomes too closely associated with Dr. Fuellmich as a person. Dr. Fuellmich has recently been convicted of libel and sedition. In a newspaper article, reference was made to a statement by the Göttingen public prosecutor’s office that proceedings were underway against Dr. Fuellmich for embezzlement because of his financial machinations in the Corona Investigative Committee. To date, Dr. Fuellmich has still not repaid a liquidity reserve of €700,000 that he claims to have put into his house without any consultation with the other Committee members. Dr. Fuellmich has taken legal action to prohibit me from further disseminating this information. This Berlin Regional Court has just stated in the summary proceedings that what I say is simply true: Dr. Fuellmich has the funds in his possession, as he admitted publicly and has not returned them, full stopp. In addition, Dr. Fuellmich, in collusion with the Committee’s accountant, an old acquaintance of his, has arbitrarily allowed himself to € 29,750 per month over many months for his activities on the Committee, contrary to his public assertion that he was working free of charge, The money allegedly went to the alleged processing of an alleged flood of e-mails in his law office mailbox with regards to the Committee, while the official Committee account was being processed by volunteers free of charge. As a result, Dr. Fuellmich has used approximately another €650,000 of donated funds for his law firm in an uncoordinated manner. There is therefore a risk that the Māori claim could be overshadowed by events from Dr. Fuellmich’s past, which is likely to damage the fundamentally serious Māori’s endeavor to take advantage of the opportunities afforded to them by their independence. This is especially true if a new fundraising problem were to eventually saddle up. It would be advisable for the Māori to pursue the issue without the angling massive Fuellmich “PR support” from abroad. They are an independent people. The substantive support e.g. for the evidence on the vaccination consequences or the content of the vaccine doses can anyway not be provide by Dr. Fuellmich himself, this can only be done by the experts who have tirelessly for the last three years dealt with these issues. A good, freely accessible summary of the current state of knowledge is provided for example, by the criminal complaint against the Swiss drug regulatory authority SwissMedic, which Attorney at Law Philipp Kruse has also made publicly available in English translation.

Dr. Fuellmich recently had me removed from a Zoom meeting during a presentation of the project in the presence of our colleague Reynefeldt and three Māori. Apparently he does not want any (critical) questions on the subject of the Māori lawsuit, on his role in the process, but apparently no support from other people either, because also the Corona Committee with all its experts could certainly help if the Māori lawsuit is likely to succeed. Does Dr. Fuellmich want to occupy the topic alone, in order to perhaps wipe out the gash in the “class action”? Is the lawsuit (only) intended to raise his personal profile? Is it less about the Māori than about himself?

What is not true in any case is that “all lawyers” of the Grand Jury, more precisely of the Grand Jury Model Proceedings, which Dr. Fuellmich and I initiated and led in early 2022, are involved in the Māori venture. In addition, “all scientific experts” were also involved Dr. Fuellmich claims. However, I myself am not involved in the Māori lawsuit at all. On inquiry, the lawyer colleagues Dr. Dr. Renate Holzeisen (Italy) and Dipali Ojah (India) have communicated, likewise not to be involved. The human rights activist Gina Cloud (USA) is not on Reiner Fuellmich’s team. The judge Rui Fonseca e Castro (Portugal) has nothing to do with the possible proceedings. The biologist Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer is not on board and neither is Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. I will report back on the feedback from the other seven grand jury lawyers allegedly involved as well as additional scientists.

In summary, even if a Māori court were to find, over various hurdles, that the measures were unjustified or that the “vaccinations” were harmful, there would be no binding effect of this decision on the Māori or anyone else in New Zealand. In no way does it have an effect on the German Michel.

At this point, I would like to offer the Māori the opportunity to discuss this topic publicly in a larger context and would like to invite them to the Corona Investigative Committee. Since Dr. Fuellmich is already discussing the topic publicly anyway, there is no reason for secrecy. The more smart people look at the issue to grasp opportunities and avoid pitfalls, the better.

To this day I wonder why Dr. Fuellmich did not sue in the USA, as he promised everyone. Even if his main focus should have been on personal economic benefits, these would have been even greater if he had really filed a law suit int the US. Dr. Fuellmich would certainly have been showered with money by the enthusiastic supporters in this case. In this context, the film “The Net“, banned by Dr. Fuellmich by court decision because of probably inaccurate assertion of his close connection with the Scientology organization, comes to mind. In the documentary, a consumer protector complains that Dr. Fuellmich always unsuccessfully takes the law suites with regards to damage claims for junk real estates all the way up to the highest courts with enormous cost consequences for the plaintiffs. As good as never it comes to a settlement (this is a circumstance, which coworkers of the law firm of Dr. Fuellmich confirmed in personal conversations). In contrast, the consumer protection agency has been able to reach many settlements. What could be the point of such a procedure? More fees for Dr. Fuellmich or the prevention of payment obligations to the banks? The latter would only make sense if one would assume that Dr. Fuellmich had worked in the interest of the banks or of economically interested project developers.

In the meantime, the Corona lawsuits raise the question in my mind whether Dr. Fuellmich does not prefer to keep swimming on the wave of hope instead of following his words with legal deeds. Is it because he simply cannot handle the U.S. lawsuits himself due to a lack of sufficient U.S. litigation experience, or does he really not succeed in finding allied colleagues in the USA, or does he simply not want to launch a promising lawsuit in the U.S.?

A word about the Corona Investigative Committee: its aim was never to initiate a lawsuit by itself, and it would not have been able to do so because it is not a law firm after all. It was alway meant to collect the facts, live stream the investigation process, in all detail, with all the evidence, so that other colleagues could use the Committee’s findings for their lawsuits. In my opinion, it would not have been sufficient, as the scientist Dr. Simon Goddek has now suggested, to inform the people with a 15 minutes summery every week about the newly gained knowledge and not talk “for hours before the cameras”. The processes and interrelationships in the corona and measures crises, especially of a scientific nature, are extremely complex. Our own knowledge gain took place in front of running cameras, so that the viewers could also participate and help us with many hints and also intervene in a corrective way. The live broadcast of the sessions guaranteed and still guarantees that no falsification of the statements of the scientists and other experts can take place or the impression of censorship can arise. No one has to watch the long sessions, but they are an important archive for scientists, historians, those affected, and indeed lawyers and courts, and possibly also the Māori.

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