Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Country reportsGermanyTipping Points I: How to Enter the Realm of Evidence?

Tipping Points I: How to Enter the Realm of Evidence?

Here we publish answers to the survey of the Corona Committee in cooperation with the initiative “Psychotherapists stand up” on the tipping points that pave the way to evidence for frightened people. The field reports are intended to provide inspiration on how bridges can be built between people. We are looking forward to you sharing your experiences with us at

A psychotherapist* writes:

“Dear team, dear Mrs. Fischer,

I myself work in the psychotherapeutic field with individual clients, but also with companies, organizations…

My reflection of the last nine months on the tilting moments in a holistic way: The breeding ground for an awakening into evidence-based thinking has never been better than now, people are simply tired and are suffering from a lack of perspective. And they start to feel physically what fear, panic and isolation do to them. They leave the role of observers and become affected by it. The virus suddenly becomes visible and tangible.

I am untiring in my efforts to enlighten them, not in the form of “I know better”, but by reflecting their arguments and using the question form.

The tilting moment in all the conversations in the last weeks was the moment when I addressed them in their roles as mothers and fathers: Will you have your child vaccinated with an RNA vaccine that interferes with human genetics and for which there is no experience? (As a way out I always offer them to discuss this again in 10 years;-)) And now the knots burst and they start to listen and to think for themselves. This is the way to look into the future and to the possibility of shaping it. And this is evolutionary-biologically deeply rooted in us: Our children are the future.

And now I am putting the trace into the past, into the generations that were and are ahead of us, so I am entering the discussion about death as the natural end of this life. Making death socially acceptable again is the key to no longer outsourcing the business models of care for the elderly and child care and feeding the private profiteers, but to make life and society worth living and stable again and not only worth surviving…

Have a nice day to all and maximum fighting success today! ERF

*Name know to the editorial office. Anonymity desired.

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